Portneuf Rapids Tube Rental in Lava Hot Springs is Easy to Find, Easy Return
Look for us right there at the west (speed slides) entrance into Lava Hot Springs: across the street from the Olympic swimming pool complex in the grassy area below the speed slides and parking.
FINISH LINE TUBE RETURN: Since we’re located right there at the bridge exit where all the tube riders come off the river, there’s no need to schlep your tube all the way back into town to turn it in. We’re located right there at the finish line, ready to check-in your group’s tube-steeds and wave you all on your way.
All About Authentic Wild River Thrills
Is your group up for a little wet-ride adventure? Coming to Lava Hot Springs to take on the Portneuf River is a memory-making fun-fest. None of that tamed-out amusement park sissy water float ridin’ for your bunch—they’re thinkin’ wild river; they’re thinkin’ a tube ride right down on the deck where it’s wet and gritty, riding a ribbon of bucking snowmelt pounding its way through town. Portneuf Rapids Tube Rental in Lava Hot Springs rents the tubes and dispense the sage advice, but the adrenaline rush: that’s free!
SAY IT LIKE A LOCAL: Speaking of authentic: wondering how to pronounce PORTNEUF? Like this: port-nuff. As for the town name of Lava, the locals pronounce the first “a” short, like the “a” in have (so, not law), and the second “a” gets an uh sound.